by Mitch Betts

2 big mistakes CIOs make with digital strategy

Mar 31, 2017
CIOIT LeadershipIT Strategy

The usual project- and budget-oriented approach to IT investment doesn’t work for today’s digital transformations, according to a Forrester Research report. To learn how to get digital transformation right, download this free 16-page report.

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Credit: Thinkstock

Traditionally, CIOs won acclaim for managing lengthy IT projects. But that methodical, project-focused approach isn’t ideal for digital transformations, where the goal is to deliver a great customer experience, according to a Forrester Research report.

Digital strategies fail when CIOs are “stuck in project-based planning, unable to respond to [rapidly] changing customer realities,” the report says. In other words, “a slow-paced annual cycle with fixed up-front commitment to requirements and approaches” won’t work.

Another CIO mistake: focusing on the IT budget and cost controls rather than “delivering customer-led outcomes,” the Forrester report says.

For a customer-obsessed digital strategy, Forrester says CIOs will need to leave old habits behind and learn (and use) new techniques such as “design thinking,” which emphasizes customer empathy and rapidly prototyping solutions to customer problems. Insider members can download this 16-page Forrester Research report, written by analyst Bobby Cameron.

Traditionally, CIOs won acclaim for managing lengthy IT projects. But that methodical, project-focused approach isn’t ideal for digital transformations, where the goal is to deliver a great customer experience, according to a Forrester Research report.

Digital strategies fail when CIOs are “stuck in project-based planning, unable to respond to [rapidly] changing customer realities,” the report says. In other words, “a slow-paced annual cycle with fixed up-front commitment to requirements and approaches” won’t work.

Another CIO mistake: focusing on the IT budget and cost controls rather than “delivering customer-led outcomes,” the Forrester report says.

For a customer-obsessed digital strategy, Forrester says CIOs will need to leave old habits behind and learn (and use) new techniques such as “design thinking,” which emphasizes customer empathy and rapidly prototyping solutions to customer problems. Insider members can download this 16-page Forrester Research report, written by analyst Bobby Cameron.